
adoption law attorney missoula mt

Grow Your Family and Save a Life in Missoula, MT

Hire a family law attorney who's familiar with the adoption process

Opening your home to a child in need typically involves a complicated legal process. Lowy Law, PLLC makes it easier on new parents in Missoula, MT. We'll help you proceed with a legal:

  • Parent adoption - an adoption in which the parent chooses the child's adoptive parents directly.
  • Private adoption - private adoptions are typically managed by private adoption agencies.
  • State-sponsored adoption - children are placed with adoptive parents through the Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services.

Call 406-926-6500 now to speak with a capable family attorney about starting your new family.

Adopting a child is one of the most selfless things you can do for another person. Our clients who have adopted children in Missoula, Montana say that the experience has:

  1. Made them feel personally fulfilled
  2. Brought joy into their homes
  3. Improved the lives of the children they adopted

Visit with a family lawyer in Missoula, MT today to take the first step toward completing your adoption process.